Girls State is a week long immersive learning experience. Maryland Girls State is held
each year at Salisbury University. This year Girls State will be held June 21-June 26, 2020. Girls State is open to girls who have completed their Junior year of High School. The program
operates with patriotic values through a non-partisan curriculum where students assume the roles of government leaders. They campaign in mock parties, usually Federalist and Nationalist,
to become Mayors and County and State leaders, culminating in electing a Governor who will attend Girls Nation.
ALA Auxiliary Unit 166 selects candidates who are currently enrolled at Stephen Decatur High School, Worcester Preparatory School or are current Junior members of Unit 166 Auxiliary.
Applications will be made available to Guidance Counselors at each school. An on-line Interest Form must first be filled out and submitted to ALA Dept’ of MD/Girls State. Visit www.alamd.
org, select “Our Focus” and Girls State. Interest Form and Application must be completed and submitted by March 27, 2020. Call or e-mail Marie Gilmore, Girls State representative,
Unit 166 at 410 726 2881 or