Synepuxent Post 166
Synepuxent Post 166
December 1, 2024
As we move into the final month of the year, here's how we ended November. Then we'll take a look ahead into December and beyond.
One thing you will see in this issue are volunteers, and more volunteers. And they are having fun besides giving back to the Post Family. You, too, can be part of the fun simply by signing up to give a helping hand, keeping our Post the Friendliest Place to be in Ocean City.
If you have something you would like to see in upcoming issues, email Ed Pinto, editor at:
Thanksgiving for the Coast Guard
Thanksgiving at the Post
Decorating the Post for Christmas
Operation We Care
A Look Ahead for Post 166
Happy Thanksgiving, Coasties
Even before Thanksgiving at the Post, our Auxiliary provided 16 Thanksgiving Dinners to the men and women of the Ocean City Coast Guard Station, In the photo, Post Commander J. R. Best poses with Marti Marron, Coastie Dan Vaughn, Penny Matthews, and Bonnie Strawbridge, with some of the fixings that went into the dinners. Dan is holding the turkey.
Thanksgiving Dinner Served at the Post
Post 166 served its traditional Thanksgiving dinners to members and guests, prepared by our excellent kitchen staff and served by our dedicated volunteers. In the photo left, the guests are gathering.
The volunteers are ready to go to serve
Satisfied Members
These guests got there early and were enjoying their dinner as a long line behind them moves towards the buffet table.
And here's who made it all possible.
Our terrific kitchen staff
The day after Thanksgiving, the tables in the main hall were full of holiday decorations as Post members gathered to Deck the Hall for the Christmas Season. Finishing touches were also placed on the new Past Commander's Bar. This annual decorating brings out a lot of members, especially from our Auxiliary unit.
We had a new addition to the decorations this year. A Gingerbread House Table compliments of Jessica Harness who works in the Post kitchen, her daughter Cierra, who works in the kitchen in the summer when not at college, and her mother, Martha Bennett who created the Gingerbread Post 166 house.
Here it is, our very own Post 166 Gingerbread House crafted by Martha Bennett. It's without the Rooftop Bar, but the chimney is there in case Santa wants to drop in. He'll need to show a membership card, however. It's a 100% check no matter who you are.
Here's a "highlight," Ed McCann getting ready to hang something
Marie Gilmore and Tina Preziotti working on some decorations
Emily Nock putting to finishing touches on the Past Commander's Bar
Operation We Care
To finish out three straight days of volunteering at Post 166 days, members and friends gathered to pack boxes of goodies for Operation We Care, starting at 8 a.m. Saturday morning. Several dozen volunteers from the entire Post Family -- Legionnaires, SAL, Riders, Leathernecks, and as usual the Auxiliary that seems to be always there when needed most -- packed the main hall to pack a few hundred care packages to be sent to our deployed troops.
Even the very young came to work

At the end the boxes were packed with goods galore.
Including Girl Scout Cookies.
The End Result
Just One Pallet
Getting the boxes ready for the Post Office to send on their way
December 14 is the Annual Army/Navy Football Game party

Ring out the Old Year
Ring in the New
At Post 166
SAL Bull and Oyster Roast in January
Coming in January, the annual SAL Bull and Oyster Roast. It’s always a fun night with more oysters that you can shake an oyster shucking knife at, as well as the beef and sides. Get your tickets early before they sell out as usual.
Putting For A Cause
Mark your calendars for the Third Annual Putting for a Cause hosted by the Auxiliary to raise money for Stop Soldier Suicide. This now traditional winter event in January brings out the best and worst of us in costumes, as we travel around the city to various bars that set up mini-golf putting courses. The competition is rowdy and fun. The money raised is priceless. Get your team together and join in the fun for a great cause.
November 24, 2024
We are moving into the Holiday Season, starting with Thanksgiving and ending with the Post New Year's Party. In between the Post will be decorated for Christmas, and Operation We Care packages will be sent to our deployed troops.
Here's a look at what's happening.
If you have something you would like to see in upcoming issues, email the editor at:
Auxiliary Feeds the Coast Guard
Worcester Prep Donates for Operation We Care
Post Membership Meeting
A Look Ahead for Post 166
Don't Forget the Post Membership Meeting Monday, November 25
Happy Hour starts at 1700 Hours; Dinner served at 1800 Hours.
Meeting starts at 1900 Hours
It's the last meeting of the year.
Thanksgiving Dinner Served at the Post
It's our annual tradition. Post 166 will serve Thanksgiving dinner. Join us and enjoy a wonderful meal of turkey and fixings. One Guest per member, additional Guests are $12 each.
Dinner will be served 3 to 5 p.m. Dj Mikey will play from 12 to 4 p.m.
Happy Thanksgiving, Coasties
Even before Thanksgiving our Auxiliary provided 16 Thanksgiving Dinners to the men and women of the Ocean City Coast Guard Station, In the photo, Post Commander J. R. Best poses with Marti Marron, Dan Vaughn, Penny Matthews, and Bonnie Strawbridge, holding some of the packages of side dishes that went with the turkey.
Operation We Care Donations
Worcester Prep School has helped with Operation We Care as students and teachers collected items and delivered them to Post 166. Rich Mike and Mike Higdon from our Post took this photo with Worcester Prep staff members Mike Grosso and Drew Ocenrieder. See the flyer below. Only a few days remain before the packages are assembled so get your donations over to the Post now.
Join us as we gather to decorate the Post for Christmas
And that includes our military-ornamented Christmas Tree
Operation We Care
Operation We Care returns to Post 166 on November 30 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. This is your opportunity to support our deployed troops.
Donations are needed of common everyday items. Such as dental floss, pens, decks of cards, toothbrushes. Shampoo. And more. The Poster shows you want is needed. Your donations should be brought to the Post.
Then on November 30, show up and help us pack. We mail dozens and dozens of boxes every year to deployed troops, and the boxes have to be filled. That's what volunteers from all the Post Family do on that day. So mark it on your calendar.
December 14 is the Annual Army/Navy Football Game party

Ring out the Old Year
Ring in the New
At Post 166
SAL Bull and Oyster Roast in January
Coming in January, the annual SAL Bull and Oyster Roast. It’s always a fun night with more oysters that you can shake an oyster shucking knife at, as well as the beef and sides. Get your tickets early before they sell out as usual.
Putting For A Cause
Mark your calendars for the Third Annual Putting for a Cause hosted by the Auxiliary to raise money for Stop Soldier Suicide. This now traditional winter event in January brings out the best and worst of us in costumes, as we travel around the city to various bars that set up mini-golf putting courses. The competition is rowdy and fun. The money raised is priceless. Get your team together and join in the fun for a great cause.
November 15, 2024