American Legion Auxiliary
Synepuxent Unit 166
Here at Synepuxent Unit 166 we are extremely fortunate to have an outstanding slate of Officers and to carry on the work our Unit has undertaken for the year 2024-2025.
They are as follows:
Emily Nock | President |
Penny Matthews/Marti Marron | Second Vice President |
Bonnie Strawbridge | Treasurer |
Jessie Parsons | Recording Secretary |
Joann Wengert | Corresponding Secretary |
Teddy Rozzano | Chaplain |
Historian | |
Debbie Helmle | Sergeant-at-Arms |
Color Bearer | |
Color Bearer | |
Tina Preziotti | Executive Committee |
Lois Barstis | Executive Committee |
Marie Gilmore | Executive Committee |
To learn more about the Auxiliary, please visit the National Headquarters Web Site.