Bob Broderick
Welcome Aboard. Post 166 has a new family member. The newly formed Post 166 Leathernecks club had its first Meeting
November 6, at which time our organizing committee approved bylaws and appointed interim officers to administer
the club’s business. I was chosen Commander, Don Coffin Vice Commander, Ed Pinto Adjutant, and Harry Kolodner Treasurer.
You might ask why the club was named Post 166 Leathernecks. Fair enough. The idea for the new club came from a couple of the Post’s Marine
members. But that is as far as the Marine connection goes. Membership is open to all Post members who want to join us and who share a dedication and an inclination to support and raise funds to benefit our fellow veterans and the community charities we support. Membership is open to any member in good standing of the Post 166 family: the Auxiliary, SAL, or any Legionnaire. Our current membership has marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen, Auxiliary Some of the team who put the tournament together, (L-R) Don Coffin, Bob Broderick, Dave Kline, Chuck Schaub, Milt Warren, Bob Rose, Al Soto, Frank Del Piano. Thank you Rhonda Soto for taking the photo you are not in but were a part of. Lan Gantilcore showing how close he was to
winning the car at the hole-in-one and SAL members. Even Post Commander Tom Wengert has signed up and serves as a senior advisor to the club.
The leathernecks have hit the ground running with the Post’s sponsorship for an Inaugural Military Veterans Charity Golf Tournament. This firstyear
event held in November successfully netted over $9,000, with $6,000 in donations going to the Semper Fi America’s Fund, Believe in Tomorrow
Foundation, The Worcester County Veterans Memorial, and to the First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League to support its mission of community service and the charities it supports. That’s who we are, that’s why we organized, and if you want to be actively engaged in community
service and fund raising for local veterans and veteran charities, consider joining the Leathernecks. We will be holding our monthly meetings
on the 4th Thursday of the month at 10 am at the Post. The meetings are open to all Post family members.