


Marines stationed at Camp Lejeune from 1953 to 1987 please read this , you may be eligible for VA Compensation.

Veterans VA Benefits

Veterans who served Honorably are entiled to a number of benefits overseen by the Deaprtment of Veterans Affairs, click on "VA Benefits in Brief" to see a quick listing of Benefits in pdf format. Below are a number of videos showing some information concerning these benefits. If you want more information or would like to apply for benefits, please contact our Post 166 Service Officer Scott LaCoss. You can contact him at 410-991-8742 or email him atucrider@gmail.com

You can see many more videos from the Department of Veterans Affairs on youtube or go to www.va.gov. Benefits available from Maryland VA can be found in the booklet MDVA Benefits Guide. For those of us over 65, you may want to start end of life planning and the VA can help there too. Death and Burial benefits are available from both the VA and Maryland VA.


VA Benefits 


What is Disability Compensation?

 VA disability compensation and how to apply


VA health care and how to apply